credit: Lefton Loraine
- John Cohill at Force Field PR
In a world of noise, Los Angeles based rapper, Cayo Coco, is nothing more than silent.
“I tend to observe opposed to interact,” states the 22 year old singer, producer & visual artist. “I’ve never felt comfortable in the social world.”
The Midwest native introduced himself in 2018 with his debut EP, You Are Safe Here. The project featured his most streamed song to date, “Somebody Else,” & opened the door to his somber world. In 2019 he began writing with producer Lars Stalfors [St. Vincent, Foster the People] who introduced him to his team of musicians and producers that would go on to craft Cayo’s forthcoming EP.
Pulling from the likes of the mid 10’s Toronto Hip Hop wave & DIY Alternative scene, Cayo’s sound lies somewhere deep in genre-purgatory. When asked to describe it, his day-to-day manager, Christian Verstraete, replied, “He grew up listening to projects like King Krule & Tame Impala but was heavily influenced by Noah Shebib & as a result was always making Hip-Hop beats. Eventually it landed somewhere in-between those two worlds.”
Current Release
Cayo Coco
A Beautiful Moon
Street Date: May 15, 2020
Track List:
1. Forever
2. Slide
3. Never Enough
4. Strangers
5. Recognize
6. Somewhere Anywhere
Pics (click for high-res)
credits: (1) Lefton Loraine (4) Parker Foster