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Photo Credit: Ip Hoi Wan


Singer-songwriter Neil Holyoak has been a student of anthropology, a small-time sheet metal salesman, nihilistic futurist, amateur rifleman, left-handed socialist, soft alcoholic and prison warden of his own soul.

Living between Montreal, Hong Kong, British Columbia, and currently Los Angeles, Neil performs with a shifting band of roadshow vagabonds come together under the banner Holy Oak.


Holy Oak’s new album Second Son is a captivating slow-burner. These electrified folk songs unfold in loose but vivid narratives of loss, hope and restlessness. Both plainspoken and strange, the deep unaffected vocals stand almost uncomfortably bare as the band plays like the ghosts of now skeletal country musicians.

Drawing from J.D. Salinger, the Song of Solomon and Greek mythology, singer-songwriter Neil Holyoak tells of silver street performers, long walks with vampire buddies, and talking flowers that grow old in a day. Producer Howard Bilerman faithfully captures this hallucinogenic narrative through the soft focus of his 2″ tape machine.

Available on Bandcamp, iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify and other online distributors June 2017.

Current Release

Holy Oak
Second Son
Holyoak Music
Street Date: June 9, 2017

Track List:

01 – Basilisk
02 – Second Son
03 – Silver Boys
04 – Laughing Man
05 – Dead Time
06 – Isabelle
07 – Cockatoo
08 – Two Dollar Movie
09 – #justmarried

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Pics (click for high res)

Photo Credit: Ip Hoi Wan