Directed by Jesse Yules
“So Cold” is a warm, balmy track, meant to be heard during one of those long summer days just as it’s breaking for night. Showing a more restrained, and laid back side to Beta Frontiers, the song begins with the sound of glowing, fazed-out synths that only subside to give room for Carmen Elle’s (DIANA, Army Girls) playful vocals. The cold shoulder never sounded so good.
Check out the NSFW video for “So Cold” over at Noisey. The track is available for download on via iTunes/Bandcamp.
Toronto’s Beta Frontiers was born in Michael Butler’s living room– a home studio experiment in electronics that bubbled over into an arpeggiated assemblage of countless influences. Following the encouragement of his close friends, he wrote and recorded his first EP “….” a retro-futurist racer that was as sleek and modern as it was vintage; which featured the haunting pop anthem “Hondo” w/ Becky Ninkovic.
Since then, Butler has been only looking ahead. After backing the dancy Dionysians Phèdre on tour as well as stirring up a stream of remixes (including ones for his Buzz buds Odonis Odonis) Beta Frontiers is poised to return this summer with a pair of potent earworms, aware of but not indebted to the past.
Buzz Records was founded in 2011 as a garage venue that hosted mostly local punk and noise bands, and soon grew into a cross-genre hub of local and touring acts like White Lung, Doldrums, Mood Rings, and Odonis Odonis. Since the demise of the venue in late 2012, the Buzz crew of Ian Chai, Dean Tzenos, and venue co-founders Denholm Whale and Jude have been dedicated to releasing music that has come out of this small, dirty pocket of Toronto. Buzz has recently released music by Odonis Odonis, Weaves, Greys and HSY.
Beta Frontiers
So Cold f/ Carmen Elle
[Buzz Records]
Release date: May 6, 2014
BETA FRONTIERS LINKS: Official / Facebook / Twitter / Buzz Records