NJ slowcore duo Joyer shares new “Worst Thing” video; Perfect Gray is due 9/24 via Julia’s War
WATCH: “Worst Thing” –
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Today Joyer are sharing the final single/video, “Worst Thing,” from their forthcoming LP. Watch the video here. Joyer’s Perfect Gray will be released on September 24th, 2021 via Philadelphia label, Julia’s War.
Shane Sullivan gave some words on the single & video:
“’Worst Thing’ deals with personal anxiety and the way I tend to build certain situations and fears up in my mind to feel way more significant than they actually are. More specifically this song is about a health scare I had a little while back that ended up being nothing at all but definitely made me realize how I tend to make myself feel a lot worse about things than I need to. Our friend Jake Miller who plays live with us a lot and sometimes does some mixing for us, played the synth on it and killed it. The video was made by our friend Rhys Scarabosio whose work we’re really big fans of so we were excited to let him do his thing on it. It follows a guy who steals from a street performer and a chase ensues, but it all plays backwards. It was a pretty intense shoot, we filmed it in two days and it involved a lot of running through crowds in busy public spaces including the scene where we had to stage the theft in a mall. We didn’t have permits or anything and Rhys wanted to get genuine reactions from strangers so we had to film everything inconspicuously and there were a lot of times we thought we’d be getting into some trouble but it all worked out.”
Having both come from a film background, brothers Nick and Shane Sullivan use their inspiration from directors like Tsai Ming-Liang and Andrei Tarkovsky to craft bleak and unadorned slowcore which emphasizes bizarre and ominous imagery, under the moniker Joyer. Their lyrics mix themes of environmental catastrophe, industrial decay, and internal struggle with an effort to stay positive and find contentment in personal meaning.
The Deli Magazine described Joyer’s music as “an engaging mix of slacker rock wordplay and discordant instrumentation, both boisterous in its separate parts yet quiet in execution.” Writing about their 2020 album Sun Into Flies, Post-Trash had this to say: “Joyer are quietly making some of the finest recent slowcore music […] To listen to Joyer is to miss live music: not of the large concert arena type, nor a neighborhood bar show, but simply just a wonderful house show.”
Their latest release, Perfect Gray, marks their debut on the Philadelphia-based label Julia’s War.
LP Release Show
9/24 – Brooklyn, NY – Hart Bar

Perfect Gray
(Julia’s War)
Street Date: September 24, 2021
Track List:
1. Worst Thing
2. Crows
3. Perfect Gray
4. In The Dirt
5. Creek
6. Milk
7. Cranky Boy
8. Nothing
9. Lucky
10. I Was Wrong
11. Rain Came Down Sideways
12. Two Times
13. Pulled Teeth
14. Finally One
15. Breeze